Digital Garden of Paul

Behavioural Design Method

A structured approach to designing behaviour is the SUE | Behavioural Design Method. This framework is co-developed by Astrid Groenewegen. She described the framework in the book "De Kunst van Gedrag Ontwerpen" (English version available). The method is inspired on Mental Models.

This method describes the Deliberate Design of Behaviour. It uses the knowledge generated by the science of behavioural economics and behavioural science. It combines this theoretical knowledge with Design Thinking. The framework offers practical tools and insights to design behaviour.

The essence of the SUE | Behavioural Design Method is:

Designing a context in which certain decisions or behaviour is made easier, that help people in their work or private life or their social environment.

Behavioural Design requires outside-in thinking. The focal point is the people you want to influence, not the product, service, or brand. Of course, still important, but nevertheless not key differentiators in the decisions people make. To get people moving in the direction you desire, you first have to understand what moves them. Opinions can be changed by changing the behaviour.

The method described

The SUE | Behavioural Design Method consists out of 4 steps:

  1. Insight
  2. Intervention
  3. Impact
  4. Implement

Steps to design and test behaviour

  1. Determine the Job To Be Done of the customers by interviewing customers. It is important to ask about previous behaviour, not future intentions.
  2. Map the results of the interviews to the SUE | Influence Framework, aiding in the discovery of the influences of the behaviour.
  3. Spotting opportunities based on the discovered insights on the Job To Be Done. Using the "How Might We" question.
  4. Develop a Behavioural Statement.
  5. Generate ideas using the SUE | SWAC Tool.
  6. Develop an intervention strategy using SUE | 4C Influence Flow.
  7. Select those interventions most promising enough.
  8. Develop prototypes for interventions and test.
  9. Implement or refine the strategy and keep prototyping/testing.
## References

Astrid Groenewegen - De Kunst van Gedrag Ontwerpen

Referred in

Behavioural Design Method